Saturday, December 30, 2006

Important State Legislators Get Their Sugar Bowl Tickets That They Deserve

All but one state senator and ninety per cent of the house got their Sugar Bowl tickets. The little people will just have to stay at home and watch it on TV, besides, the citizens and taxpayers of Louisiana should not not be allowed to socialize in the company of royalty.

The most corrupt of the bunch, Cleo Fields, was interviewed in the Advocate bragging about thier special privalges. I am sure he will use his state purchased bus to get him and his court (or in his case, posse) to the game.

I don't think most of these idiots will see what is coming next year until they wake up the day after the election. Cleo excluded, of course, as long as he keeps the working-taxpayer paid benefits rolling into his Entitlement Nation district, the lazy will continue to keep him in office.

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