Sunday, December 31, 2006

Louisiana Democratic Party, What Do You Really Believe?

In a recent AP interview, Governor Blanco said she believes God is telling her, "Get up, Kathleen, and go to work because there's a lot of work to be done."

On November 17th, the Louisiana Democratic Party issued a press release making fun of Bobby Jindal's faith in God. Will they do the same for Governor Blanco?

While we support Governor Blanco's faith in God, she needs to wake up and realize in her party she is in the minority. We also reccomend that the teacher's unions should be mobilized immediately to make sure that this story does not reach the ears of any school child that might hear it and get the urge to pray.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Important State Legislators Get Their Sugar Bowl Tickets That They Deserve

All but one state senator and ninety per cent of the house got their Sugar Bowl tickets. The little people will just have to stay at home and watch it on TV, besides, the citizens and taxpayers of Louisiana should not not be allowed to socialize in the company of royalty.

The most corrupt of the bunch, Cleo Fields, was interviewed in the Advocate bragging about thier special privalges. I am sure he will use his state purchased bus to get him and his court (or in his case, posse) to the game.

I don't think most of these idiots will see what is coming next year until they wake up the day after the election. Cleo excluded, of course, as long as he keeps the working-taxpayer paid benefits rolling into his Entitlement Nation district, the lazy will continue to keep him in office.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Representive Marchand Sells Out

We supported Rep. Charmaigne Marchand's protest against Governor Blanco and her Road Home program. ICF International has collected over $80 million from the state to administer a program which has passed out $4 million in aid. There are trained state employees who could have handled the program at a fraction of the cost. Rep. Marchand said she was not going to leave her tent on the capital grounds until the program was fixed.

ICF still has the contract and is raking in millions, the aid is still not getting to the citizens of Louisiana, and Governor Blanco is still the incompetent governor of the state. Ms. Marchand has met privately with Governor Blanco and ICF and pulled up her stakes.

We don't know what Governor Blanco or ICF promised you Ms. Marchand, but we are very disappointed in you.