Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sports is for Sports

What the hell was that idiot Spike Lee doing on Monday Night Football? I didn't tune in to watch him spout his racist political pap, I tuned in to watch the Saints beat the Falcons and make a fool out of a certain kicker who is proof that our immagration policy sucked 25 years ago.

And why couldn't we get some Louisiana talent for the music instead of that socialist no-talent Bono. I heard Bill Clinton once say that he was the smartest man in the world--he couldn't say smartest person, that would get him in trouble at home. A few days later I saw Bono on C-Span, he was a mumbling idiot who was spouting off about confiscation of American income to be turned over to the treasuries of third world dictators.

At least the Saints won and girlie-man Martin looked bad.

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