Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bush Celebrates Anniversary, Complements Talk Show Host.

President Bush was in New Orleans today to celebrate a very special anniversary. Forty-five years ago Kid Galahad starring Elvis Presley was released. While arriving at the airport, he met this guy and told him, "Montell, love what you're doin' with the show. You think maybe we could sneak in some of Cheney's DNA next time you do one of those 'who's the baby-daddy?" shows, just as a joke."

The press corps also mentioned that is was the second anniversary of whining by people too stupid to get out of the rain and too lazy to get a job.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Krewe of Hate Parade Continues

The Krew of Hate, lead by their king, King Walter the Village Idiot, continues on. First the Jack Murtha inspired "Hate the Troops" commertials. Now commercials starring the Burger King making fun of the "Brown Boy". They are also planning a series of commercials against Bobby Jindal featuring the greatest crime a human could commit-he is Catholic.
Democrats in Louisiana have always been middle of the road, they never embraced the left-wing kook side of the party. Boasso and his cronies have shoved that side down their throat, and may have done serious damage to Louisiana Democrats by taking them too far left and alienating Christian and open-minded moderates.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sharpton to Bring Travelling Hate Show to Jena

The Reverend (excuse me for a moment-ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,) will be in Jena to shake down the locals and defend the right of thugs to gang up and beat others almost to death. Sharpton was recently in Atlanta defending the rights of adults to have oral sex with minors.

Having been to Jena, I hate to disappoint the Reverand (one minute-ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha) but there isnt' much money there to shake down. You would have done better trying to shake down one of the larger towns like Shreveport or Alexandria.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Last place gobernatorial candidate Walter Boasso proved beyond a shadow of the doubt this week that he is the stupidest man running for governor. Boasso began running a series of hate-filled anti-Bush/Jindal commercials supporting islamic terrorists and trashing the troops. Someone needs to tell Bozo-THE GOVERNOR OF LOUISIANA HAS NO CONTROL OVER UNITED STATES TROOP DEPLOYMENT AND FOREIGN POLICY.
All this is was a pitiful attempt to attract the kook frindge of the left and their donations. It is also a disgraceful insult to our brave men serving in uniform.