Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Louisiana Dem's Recent Racist/Anti-Christian Attacks on Jindall Shameful

The Louisiana Democratic Party has hit a new low. They realize that a Bobby Jindal/Governor Blanco race will send Kathleen packing back to Lafayette. So the party that is supposed to be so open to diversity attacks Jindal on race and religion. Official press releases use Jindal's real name Piyush Jindal, to remind people that he isn't like us. Using race to scare people to vote isn't new, they have scared black voters for years and recently a dem candidate for sheriff won the election by scaring elderly white voters to vote against a black candidate. I am sure they would be the first ones screaming if we used ex-President Clinton's real name, William Jefferson Blythe.

A November 16th press release goes over the line by making fun of the fact that Bobby Jindal prays. To the left, this is the highest form of treason, no one should be allowed to pray unless they are muslim. Even worse, some school children might find out that Jindal was praying.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Heads Need to Roll in Baton Rouge School Molestation Case

Marcus Dunn was arrested for molesting an eleven year old in the restroom of Dufrocq Elementary. He admitted to the police that he had been to the school and done this several times before.

Dunn will get what is coming to him, but the school system has taken no responsibility in the case. How was this 20 year old able to regularly come to this school and do this? No real answers are coming from School Board Superintendent Charlotte "Shirley Q." Placide. Should we be suprised, the school system in Baton Rouge was in aweful shape when she took it over, her incompetent administration has only made it worse to the point where things like this can happen.

Placide and all others involved in allowing this should resign immediately.