Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bozo Update

Calling a special news conference, last place candidate for governor Walter Boasso announced that his first act as governor will be to sign an executive order requiring Morgus and Nash to be returned to New Orleans television.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

ACLU Sues Tangy School Board

The ACLU took time off from their busy schedule of getting criminals off the hook and taking down nativity scenes to sue the Tangipahoa Parish school board again. According to the ACLU some of the students at Loranger Middle School may have actually touched a bible. Once students are exposed to a bible, there is no telling what may happen next. Some have actually been known to pray. The ACLU is concerned that bible reading and prayer may take up time that the students should use to have pre-marital sex, smoke pot, download porn, and have abortions without their parents' knowledge.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Governor Blanco says the loss of the Krupp steel mill, "does not make any sense to us." Is she that naive or just plain stupid. We lost the steel mill because of her incompetent leadership, demonstrated to the world during Katrina/Rita. We lost the steel mill because of Louisiana's history of corrupt officials. We lost the steel mill because our education system is so bad, mostly due to incompetent school superintendents and corrupt school boards. We lost the steel mill because billions of dollars have been poured into our highways but they are still substandard. We lost the steel mill because most tax dollars collected from hard working Louisiana citizens are wasted or stolen.

And the best the governor can do is blame Entergy. January 2008 cannot come fast enough.

Friday, May 11, 2007


We lost out on the steel mill to Alabama and who's fault is it? Entergy. Not the fact that we have had decades of corrupt government by democrats or democrats claiming to be Republicans. Not the fact that our current governor is incompetent. Not the fact that our schools suck, our roads suck, and no company in their right mind wants to payoff corrupt Louisiana politicians.

Thanks Kathleen.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Idiot in Legislature Has His Priorities Straight

The Road Home is a Road to Failure. The legislature might do the right thing and trash Comrade Stelly's tax plan. We are the laughing stock of the nation because we allow roosters to be tortured in gladiator games. Our roads are crap. Our schools are crap. Our governor, well she is too busy striking a pose and looking all emotional.

One man has his priorities straight. Representitive Roy Burell's highest priority for this session is banning video games. We may have found a running mate for Boasso.