Monday, February 26, 2007

Judge Clears Most Corrupt Politician in Louisiana

Judge Don Johnson, who only appearant qualification was he was in that stupid show with Phillip Michael Thomas, dismissed all charges against Louisiana Secretary of Corruption Bob Odom. Johnson has managed to make Judge Larry Siedlin look competent and look for a new sugar mill to be constructed in the Baton Rouge area soon.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Superintendent of Education

Cecil Picard, Louisiana Superintendent of Education died this week. He brought many new innovations to Louisiana schools, school buses were replaced by transporters, school nurses were issued tricorders, Klingon language classes became manditory, and the kids cell phones were replaced by communicator pins.

Oh, wait a minute, that was Jean Luc Picard. Cecil Picard presided over the worse school sytem in America. Sorry.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I would agree with Congresswoman Maxine Waters (Marxist-California). Congresswoman Waters has called for congressional oversight on the Road Home Program. She also called the Road Home Program "a joke".

I have been very disappointed that Bobby Jindal has been silent on the program. I have noticed that the governor no longer calls it "Kathleen Blanco's Road Home Program", but ultimately she will have to answer for the incompetence and corruption. Terminating the contract with ICF would be a good start.